Become a Member Today

Join the Washington County Republican Women as a member in 2024!

We accept applications for membership in two formats and have two ways you can get it back to us. The first is you may print this form and send it to our address with a check for 50 dollars or you can fill it out electronically and bring your check to the next meeting.

We meet in Jan, March, May, August, September, October, and November at 11:30 for lunch at the Cannery Kitchen located at 314 E. Alamo Street, Brenham, TX 77833. The meeting begins at 12 and can go a little over an hour depending on group business and speakers that may run over. We encourage all members and guests to come on their work lunch breaks and if they can’t stay for the whole program leave when they need to. Some members even bring their lunch with them! We understand life can be busy and your time is important to us too. We are just glad you could make it.